September is Sexual Health Awareness Month
Fall can feel like a reset. Summer is ending, school is starting, days are slowly getting shorter. As the temperature outside is cooling off, inside we are turning up the heat! And what a perfect time to do so, given that September is Sexual Health Awareness Month.
Why You Need to Be Having Morning Sex
It's 7AM and your alarm goes off. Instead of rolling over to hit snooze or scroll on your phone, we have another idea to make you feel more awake. Setting aside some time in the morning to focus on a big 'O' can benefit your life in several ways.
Mental Health and Sex
As the weather changes, so do our moods. Studies show that millions of Americans experience seasonal affective disorder. According to John Hopkins Medicine, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) mostly occurs during certain times of the year when it is thought that less daylight triggers a chemical change in the brain which reflects symptoms similar to depression. A few symptoms of SAD include: increased drowsiness, fatigue, and low sex drive.
Remember water slides? Remember riding them all day at the water park, having the time of your life slipping and sliding around until you landed in a pool of water?
Well, I like my water slides how I like my sex: thrilling, adventurous, and wet.
Well, I like my water slides how I like my sex: thrilling, adventurous, and wet.
WET leads the Sexual Wellness category with Bold Ideas and Innovative Products.
WET inspires individuals and couples to find what makes Sex Fun, Healthy, and Stimulating.
With WET, Just Add Sex.